SR 0031-X10 2.6 Mile Highway Reconstruction

A continual increase in commercial activity around the Donegal area led PennDOT District 12-0 to pursue improvements along SR 0031. The project was initially focused at the Pennsylvania Turnpike Donegal Interchange and the adjacent intersection with SR 0711, but the project was expanded along the corridor to the intersection of SR 0381, SR 0711, and SR 2031. The resulting project corridor totaled 2.6 miles in length. The improvements were meant to improve safety and operational characteristics and support additional growth in southeastern Westmoreland County. A team led by Gibson-Thomas was selected design these improvements.
The improvements included within the project designs included:
- Increasing lane widths through the corridor
- Adding turns lanes at intersections
- Increasing capacity at the Donegal Interchange toll booths and the SR 0031 intersection by relocating SR 0031 south of the interchange into a PennDOT Maintenance facility; PennDOT and the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission successfully teamed to share a nearby Turnpike maintenance facility to replace the impacted site
- Installing an innovative Continuous Green T intersection and two phase traffic signal at the Donegal Interchange so that SR 0031 eastbound traffic would be free-flowing
- Improving three substandard vertical curves to 45 MPH design criteria
- Realigning offset intersections to conventional Plus configurations
- Relocating the Welcome to Donegal Township signs and monument to a new location with a flag pole, decorative block wall, solar power lighting, and landscaping near the SR 0711 intersection
- Constructing four stormwater ponds within surplus right-of-way
- Cooperating with utilities impacted along the corridor, with the telephone and electric combining to one pole line
- Incorporating the waterline relocation within the PennDOT project to minimize delays and conflicts
- Building offsite wetland and stream mitigation sites
- Placing riparian plantings along existing streams
The traffic control for the project maintained one lane of traffic in each direction at all times during construction and incorporated access for the numerous businesses throughout the corridor.
The project was let in March 2017 and was functionally complete in October 2020.
The SR 0031 Section X10 project was recognized as the ASHE Southwest Penn Section’s 2019 Project of the Year. The project was featured in an article in the Summer 2020 issue of the ASHE Scanner. It was presented at an ASHE Southwest Penn Section dinner meeting on October 28, 2020 and at PennDOT District 12-0 Winter School on January 26, 2021.