Petroleum Valley Regional Water Authority Water System Project

The Petroleum Valley Water System was the largest project ever initiated under Pennsylvania’s Hazardous Sites Cleanup Act (HSCA). Gibson-Thomas applied for and obtained a $22 million dollar grant under HSCA for the design and construction of the water system. The resulting project serves 826 homes and business. Gibson-Thomas designed, inspected, managed and helped organize the system that included construction of a booster pump station, emergency generator, a 1.2 million gallon water storage tank and distribution system that was comprised of more than 60 miles of distribution lines including an 1100 feet of 12 HDPE pipeline crossing which was directionally bored underneath the Allegheny River connecting the Petroleum Valley Water System to the source supplier, East Brady Borough. The project also upgraded all of the existing lines in the Petrolia Borough System, and involved taking service lines into the customer’s homes and then disconnecting and abandoning contaminated wells. The Petroleum Valley Regional Water Authority operates the new water distribution system which serves portions of northeastern Butler County and northwestern Armstrong County including eight impacted municipalities in the Petrolia area.