City of Butler Dynamic Truck Study

The Butler County Planning Commission retained a team led by Gibson-Thomas to develop a Dynamic Truck Study for the City of Butler, Butler Township, and portions of Summit Township. The purpose of the study, completed in conjunction with PennDOT District 10-0, was to investigate potential truck routes and improvements to accommodate heavy vehicles while creating a vibrant, enhanced Main Street corridor within the City of Butler.
SR 0008 (Main Street) serves not only the central business corridor within the City, but also serves as a primary north-south arterial connecting Interstate 80 and SR 0422 to the Pennsylvania Turnpike and the City of Pittsburgh. While the roadway sees significant heavy vehicle traffic, narrow streets, vertical grades and pedestrian crossings negatively impact the mobility and safety of these vehicles transiting the area.
The final Truck Study report, submitted in December 2016, provided a summary of data collection, analysis, and recommendations for the corridor. It also considered public input and potential funding sources for the improvements. The recommendations put forth in the report included potential intersection geometric improvements, signal retimings and upgrades, construction of connecting roadways, establishment of signed truck routes, and additions of climbing and turn lanes.