Central Indiana County Joint Sanitary Authority Wastewater Collection And Treatment

The project area is located in South Central Indiana County, five miles south of Indiana Borough and seven miles northeast of Blairsville Borough. The area includes the Borough of Homer City and surrounding areas of Center Township and environs. The area is drained by Two Lick Creek and its major tributary is Yellow Creek. The water quality in these streams dictates a secondary wastewater treatment facility with no tertiary requirement. The Authority constructed a $14.6 million collection and treatment system for the service area through a combination of Rural Utilities Service (RUS) grants and loans, Community Development Block Grants, and local funding.
The project services approximately 2,100 customers and includes approximately 50 miles of various diameter sewers ranging from 6″ through 18″, 540 manholes, 4,000 feet of force main, two pump stations and a 0.65 mgd Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) to provide a cost-effective wastewater collection and treatment solution for the Authority. Gibson-Thomas was involved in all aspects of the project from feasibility studies, Act 537 approval, funding, design, construction inspection and management. In 2010, the Authority authorized Gibson-Thomas to design and permit a new ultraviolet disinfection (UV) system which is currently under permit review.