Buffalo Township Municipal Authority Sanitary Sewer System

The Municipal Authority of Buffalo Township provides wastewater and water service to residents of Buffalo Township, Butler County. The project area consists of the Little Buffalo Creek and Buffalo Creek watersheds. Little Buffalo Creek and Buffalo Creek are high quality trout stocked streams with critical water quality concerns. To solve these critical water quality discharge limitations and provide a cost-effective wastewater collection and treatment system, Gibson-Thomas recommended and designed an extended aeration treatment plant using chemical nitrogen and phosphorus removal and ultraviolet (UV) disinfection.
Gibson-Thomas was involved in all phases of the project since its inception and design. We provided technical and grant application assistance for the $10.2 million Pennvest Loan as well as the $3.3 million Revenue Bond to construct the project. The total system consists of a 0.48 mgd extended aeration sewage treatment plant; two pump stations, and 33 miles of gravity collector lines serving approximately 1,066 customers.